
Valentine's Day Forecast
Will passion ignite on Valentine's Day? Find out now...
Whether you're happily single, blissfully partnered up, or you despise anything that draws attention to your relationship or lack thereof, we've got you covered. Here's a forecast for your sign and any romantic status you fit into.
Committed: Shake things up! Valentine's Day will be so steamy, you might make Venus blush!
Dating: One of you wants commitment, but the other is happy to play the field, or at least have the option. You can't force feelings that aren't there.
Single: All those flowers and kisses might make you feel left out, but you'll soon be back! Accept any last minute invitation.
It's complicated: You will tell the unvarnished truth. Fights encourage the best sort of making up.

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Committed: Close the doors, put on the music, get out the scented oils, and don't forget feathers... let nature take its course!
Dating: If the weather does not permit watching a beautiful sunset, a quiet snuggle in a cozy place can be heaven.
Single: Sensual and romantic Venus rules your sign. Going out with more gregarious friends to get you noticed.
It's complicated: You do not do complicated. Life is too short not to keep things simple.

Committed: This is your opportunity to light the fires of passion. Do something unexpected and exciting.
Dating: The biggest gift you can give a love interest is your full attention. Listening is sexy.
Single: Congratulations! You can run around like Cupid visiting as many hotties as time and energy allow!
It's complicated: Any partner must appreciate your need to be in touch with all sorts of fascinating friends.


Committed: A good marriage is your heart's home. Plan a special dinner, with you as dessert!
Dating: The idea of being in love can override good sense. Do your best not to say the "L" word until you are both comfortable.
Single: A pint of ice cream might be your best friend tonight. Spend some time flirting online.
It's complicated: You need to know where you stand. Walk away or make some demands.

Committed: Stare into each other's eyes and share what you like best about each other. Intimacy renews a grand romance.
Dating: Whoever is at your side tonight will be lucky. Your megawatt confidence and cheerful attitude light up any room.
Single: Vivacious Leo is never single for long. Dress your best and be on the prowl.
It's complicated: If you are involved with someone who is not worshiping the ground you walk upon, it's time for a change. Next!

Committed: Eliminate distractions, shower, put on a skimpy outfit, and set the mood with music. Time to experiment!
Dating: You know immediately if a relationship is working. If this looks like a match made in heaven, say so. Single: Call friends - getting out and having fun is preferable to staying home.
It's complicated: Are you becoming a martyr? Sometimes even Cupid's arrows cannot pin down a sweetheart.

Committed: Whatever you like best can spark a night of romance out of your favorite steamy novel.
Dating: If you are presented with a secondhand card or pizza and beer, start looking for the door.
Single: This is no time to sit at home feeling sorry for yourself! As a big flirt, it is time to go out and show off your skills!
It's complicated: Should you stay or should you go? Your love interest will give you a clear sign that will help you decide.

Committed: Celebrate with a visit to your favorite source of playthings to spice up your bedroom skills, then seduce your partner.

Dating: A nice dinner, a romantic walk, followed by a close encounter in a public place - doing something risky can light your fire.

Single: Invite some friends to your favorite social watering hole. You just might find magic across a crowded room.

It's complicated: If you are less interested, you may say something harsh. Watch your words carefully.


Committed: Go snowboarding or get in the car and drive 200 miles for dinner. Make this a day to remember!
Dating: Tie you up or tie you down? Only you can tell the difference. Grand gestures and big surprises can be great fun!

Single: You talk a good game, but maybe you are feeling too claustrophobic to let anyone surround you. Go out and have fun!

It's complicated: Do not panic if you feel like running. You might change your mind tomorrow! Let the romantic sparks fly.

Committed: Avoid pointing out the obvious and unromantic. Valentine's Day requires your most passionate words and deeds.
Dating: Valentines Day can be either terrifying or a waste of time. If you like someone, say so. Single: You may have no idea how much natural magnetic charisma you possess. Go out in public and you will turn heads.
It's complicated: Are you avoiding the fact that love is passionate, intimate, confusing, and sometimes painful?

Committed: Stop focusing on your favorite interest long enough to make your sweetheart the center of your universe.
Dating: Even if you are "just friends" it can be fun to go out on the town. Be sure they are not reading too much into the situation.
Single: Valentine's Day? You have much more important things to care about. Make it a "Me Day" instead.
It's complicated: Don't make things worse by insisting on being right. A long phone call with an ex can be the high point of the day.


Committed: Plan a candlelit dinner, a carriage ride, or float through the canals of Venice. Love is a magic circle.

Dating: No matter what sign you are with, you need to touch souls. True love just might walk in the door.

Single: Avoid any desire to drown your sorrows. Play your favorite music and explore the world online. Your soul mate is near.

It's complicated: It's self-torture to be with someone who cannot or will not give you what you need. Next Valentine's Day will be better.
(Source : http://www.horoscope.com/us/editorial/editorial-article.aspx?UniqueID=161&CRC=5CC179135D710FBACE8806AA2846B538)